毎週放送の紀行番組【せかほし】の取材でヨーロッパを訪れた際に チーズの作り手たちの仕事に触れ、そしてバイヤー久田さんのチーズへの熱い情熱に触れ、チーズが好きになりました。
My love for cheese started after I had the opportunity to visit Europe for our weekly TV variety show called 【Seka Hoshi】 on NHK.
I got to watch first hand what the cheese makers put into when making their cheese. I also got to know Hesada san and her passion for cheese.
She often sends me her recommended cheese of the season from France. I will post a picture of one of them on Instagram. I bet you’ll want to have a bite of it when you see my new post! Hahaha:-)🐎🧀 #🧀 #seasonal